Here are a few sample pages from Light the Fire Project | Feasibility Study Report. I designed the entire report along with the Light the Fire logo. The full report can be found the Teknowave website which I also designed.
 Here are a few sample pages from a Rogers IDC white paper that I designed in both English (as shown) and French.
 I designed a number of internal newsletters for NanoXplore including this one. I also formatted them to be bilingual as well. I was given no creative direction and had very few assets to work from.
 A book cover I designed for The Mystical Nurse by Jennifer Johnson
   Designed the 74 page book entitled,  At Home Adaptations and Resilience  by Concordia University based  Art Education Graduate Student Association (ArtEGs)  Graduate Journal Volume 1.
 Drive Line is an internal magazine publication that I designed for McKinnon Transport Inc who are one of Canada's top 50 Best Managed Companies. My employer at the time felt this design was too slick to present to a trucking company and I said to tr
 Here are a few sample pages from a U Weight Loss Testimonial book that I created.
  Designed a mental health workbook geared towards teens written by Dr. Blythe Metz-Mändmets
 Examples from magazine concepts that I created for Morning Coach, an online life coaching program.
 I designed a series of PPG calendars. Here are a few page samples.
 Here are samples from a PPG catalog that I designed.
    This is the cover for an eighty page festival guide book that I designed for Fringe Jazz.      
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